10 tips to take care of the skin from the negative effects of the continuous use of masks
The mask has become one more element of our lives. Its protection is essential as a tool to face the virus, but its continued use has caused us significant problems in the complexion. If you want to counteract these problems in the face, at Q77+ we are happy to provide you with the best essential tips for you to face and optimize your skin against the negative effects of the constant use of masks.

Ginger, the aphrodisiac root to enhance the best sexual relations
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a perennial plant of the Zingiveraceae family, which its rhizome is used as a medicine and as a food seasoning in different places, because it has many health benefits. Ginger root has been used for centuries as a very effective aid for digestion. But this flowering plant, native from the Far East, it is also a popular aphrodisiac used by cultures around the world. Some of the aphrodisiac properties attributed to this root are: - Obtaining larger and longer lasting erections - Maximum pleasure and intensified orgasms - Increased sexual desire and energy - Increasing resistance and staying power - Increased sexual confidence - Experiencing vitality and maximum performance

Bioperine™: the bioavailability enhancer
Although black pepper is widely known as a very common ingredient in all cuisines, thanks to its gastronomic properties and its versatility to spice up numerous meals, many do not know that it also contains certain substances that are very beneficial to health. One of its main nutrients is piperine, better known as bioperin or piperine.

En Q77+ hemos desarrollado la fórmula más evolucionada de unos COMPRIMIDOS QUEMAGRASAS de última generación que superan considerablemente antiguas fórmulas gracias a las investigaciones realizadas sobre sus ingredientes. Si quieres adelgazar unos kilos y te cuesta ver los efectos en tu dieta, los quemagrasas son la solución más efectiva y una de las tendencias más novedosas a la hora de perder peso. Aprende más sobre qué son exactamente los comprimidos quemagrasas y cuál es su mecanismo de actuación en nuestro organismo.